My high school baseball coach had a saying too many years ago that I think relevant now:
“Plan for the fastball and react to the curve.”
Our business- like yours I hope- has seen a number of fastballs the last decade and experienced incredible growth. The last couple of weeks have been nothing but curveballs, I’d wager, for nearly all of us. When disasters strike, having a plan in place to recover is fundamental but isn’t addressed often when sales are skyrocketing.
Recently, many of our clients have asked us to help them with margin recovery in wake of what’s shaping up to be a challenging second quarter. In January the goal was to increase margin 2 points on total sales. Now it’s a race to make sure they don’t go too far backwards to recover.
Luckily, Profit2 has a history- see 2008 and 2009 Housing Crisis- of helping our clients react to curveballs. Our sole objective is to enable distributors to safely increase margin. Our executives have walked in the same shoes as your salespeople and have experienced the benefits of defensively increasing pricing in an ever-changing environment during recessions and bull markets alike.
If your top line sales are going to be impacted and you’d like to discuss time tested, proven methods to gain margin and increase earnings carefully please click this link to schedule a demo of our program.
If you’re like me, the last thing you’re looking for is another COVID-19 notice from a company saying they are “here for you” and offering hugs during this crisis. If you’d like a specific margin game plan because your top line sales projections look radically different now then they did in January please click on the link below to register for our free webinar. In under 30 minutes, our partners can show you 3 steps we can take together over the next 75 days to increase your margin 5 points on the bottom 30 percent of your sales.
The recession is here and the decisions you make – or maybe even more critically: don’t make – will reverberate over the next 12 to 24 months when this ends. Getting in front of an issue by maximizing margin using existing sales dollars is one proven strategy to help recover when a disaster strikes.
Join us for a 30 minute webinar at 2PM CST on Tuesday, April 7th.
If your top line sales are going to be impacted and you’d like to discuss time tested, proven methods to gain margin and increase earnings carefully, please join our webinar. We’ll discuss a specific margin game plan because your top line sales projections look radically different now then they did in January.
In under 30 minutes, our partners can show you 3 steps we can take together over the next 75 days to increase your margin 5 points on the bottom 30 percent of your sales. Join Us on Tuesday, April 7, 2:00 p.m. CDT.