At Profit2, we understand that no pricing system is going to be effective if the sales people don’t use it. In fact, our experience has shown that the system price is lowered by the sales person over 50% of the time. This tells us that data crunching alone won’t increase margin.

That’s why the Profit2 service approaches pricing as a behavioral discipline and includes extensive management and sales person input and training so that the numbers are both right and utilized.

[titled_box title=”Getting sales coaching right – don’t do too little, too late”]

coaching_chart-postGetting sales coaching right – don’t do too little, too late

“…if you nose around, you will often find less sales coaching is occurring than might be expected given all the voices of advocacy.  Why?  Well there are a number of reasons but four seem to be particularly telling:”

by Richard Ruff

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Published On: June 23rd, 2015 / Categories: Articles, Featured /