Profit2 is proud to announce our Partnership with AD as a new Service Provider Member.

Profit2 can provide AD Members in the US and Canada with a Profit Optimization Service which utilizes our leading-edge technology and pricing expertise to optimize a distributor’s profits. Our service does not require any additional investment in software or hardware. Profit2’s goal is to help Affiliated Distributor members improve how they price all sales and gain 1 to 2 points of margin on total sales. 

Dave Roller, Profit2’s President says says, “We are excited to partner with AD to provide members with not only our services, but our extensive knowledge of the distribution industry based on 20 years of business and over 300+ successful pricing programs, many of which have been with AD members.”

AD members hire Profit 2 for their industry experience, analytical tools, methodology, training and web-based reporting capabilities. We do the work, allowing members to spend their valuable time making informed, strategic pricing decisions. Profit2 helps define pricing strategy, analyze every sale, make specific price change recommendations and help you bring those changes into your pricing system.  Most importantly we help protect your business and gain the active support of your sales organization.

AD members can increase margin within 12 to 14 weeks and payback the cost of Profit2 services 60 days after going live with new pricing.

To contact Profit2, call (913) 439-9705, or email

Published On: April 1st, 2019 / Categories: Featured, Press Release /